Egg Shell Mosaic
Sun Art

This is my mosaic sun art.

    The size of my output is of a short bond paper as it is small enough so that I can fill it with egg shells, small enough to consume less time but big enough to be seen. The choice of  color of my output is bright in color and uses the  color palette of the sky including hte sun. The coloring material I used to primarily color the sun is yellow and orange poster paint and the rest of the outside parts are painted using sky blue, dark blue, and green water color.

    My artwork was actually inspired by ancient greek mosaic the difference is that the ancient greek ones have much more effort put into them unlike mine which took only 4-6 hours. Though even though I said it is inspired by greek mosaic the sun part was really modern.
 It may look really easy and simple to do at first glance, well because it is . Egg shell mosaics are not that hard actually it might seem hard at frst because of all the egg shells. But it actually requires lots of patience and determination because you have to place each egg shell individualy. And doing so requires lots of patience because there is no shortcut to doing this.

• Egg shells
• Water Color / any coloring materials
• Illustration Board
• Pencil
• Marker
• Needle/Sharp point
• Tape (optional if you cannot draw circles)

    So the materials are really accesible and are not so hard to find as these items can easily be purchased in a nearby store or sari-sari stores that are near your area. Especially the egg shells, since most sari-sari stores sell them and also pencils, markers, needles, tapes, water color, and illustration boards.

Now onto the steps on how to create the egg shell mosaic.

Step 1: Get some egg shells and crack them
            It is preferable to boil the egg first and then get the shells.

Step 2: Dry the shells and remove the membrane (the sticky thing that sticks in the shell)

Step 3: Crack the shells to which ever size you want.

(I did not record steps 1-3)

Step 4: Is to draw the sun
(I regrettably  forgot to record/ picture the process of drawing the sun. So here is just the uncolored version)
So I drew the sun by using tape to draw a perfect circle and then drew the rays.
(Just imagine that its just a drawing and no egg shells)

Step 5: Place the eggshells
            Now this is the part which takes quite a long time to do. Now this is just a short clip as regrettably I cannot record whole process as it takes so much time and takes up so much GB in my phone. (If I were to record everything it would be 4-6 hours long as I stated before this project is simple but takes up so much time)(Oh and also some of the  videos have too big mb and won't fit)
Now I actually did not record for like 10 straight minutes instead I recorded in short video clips mostly less than 30 seconds long.

Cover the area you want to place you eggshells with glue. And then place the eggshells. You can also place a piece of big egg shell and then just crack it to smaller bits to make it easier.

Step 6: Coloring
            Now this step is pretty straightforward it is just coloring the eggshells.

Step 7: Cover it with a plastic cover after the paint drys
            (I did not record this part)

Step 8: You are finished

Extra:(Mini rant)
Now you are wondering, hey you said that it takes so long to do egg shell mosaic why are there so few videos and few pictures? Now in a lot of my recordings there were lots of sounds like music and electric fan sounds 
and the amount of videos I recorded were quite plenty and I am basically doing the same thing over and over again so why not just put some few seconds of video. But what about the videos in the blog? They have no sound? I edited those and removed the sounds and it may sound easy but it is a hassle.

A 15 minute long video of me just placing egg shells. Now as you can see how much egg shells I put in 15 minutes granted I did talk quite a bit. ( No Audio )


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